I can’t do yoga, I’m not flexible, It’s been years since I’ve done anything physical, I’d fall over! These are just some of the reasons people think they can’t start yoga, even if they might really want to.
Saying you are not flexible enough to do yoga is like saying you are too dirty to have a shower.
The point of yoga is not to stick your foot behind your head, but rather it is to reconnect you to your body, and thought processes so you have time to learn about yourself. Yoga is wonderful physical exercise, and yes, it’s going to help you lose weight, get strong, and feel great. But yoga also helps you get still, find peace, and remember who you are and what you want out of life. If you can bring that stillness, peace, and confidence from your practice into the rest of your life, things are going to change in amazing ways.
When I came back to my practice after doing athletics for a few years, I could barely touch my shins in a forward bend. Like any physical activity, our bodies learn and adapt quickly and yoga really is a celebration of what your body is capable of. No matter what your, age, weight, colour or creed, you can find a style of yoga to suit you, try a few different styles and maybe a few different teachers until you find your yoga groove.
How do you get a yoga body? Have a body and do yoga, its that simple.